Videographer & Filmmaker

Starnes Visuals

Latest Series: In The Moment

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I have served in the camera department in small or large crews and on corporate shoots from film productions. I can be a director of photography, 1st or 2nd Assistant camera or as a camera operator. Most importantly, I consider myself a team player and am eager to collaborate with others

From Non-Profits to Brands

My non-profit work has been some of the most fulfilling of my career but I have also been a part of many other great projects

Full-Service Production

From conception to delivery, Pre-production to Post-Prodoction, I will bring my skills and expertise to make your vision a reality


Films are often perfected (or ruined) in the editing room. I have over a decade of experience in Premiere Pro and am ready to take your project past the finish line and to the eyes of your audience!


Check out my cinematic wedding work at my other company, Take 4 Films


I am a licensed Part 107 commercial drone pilot and ready to capture stunning aerials with my late model, 4k capable drone

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“Ac feugiat ante. Donec ultricies lobortis eros, nec auctor nisl semper ultricies. Aliquam sodales nulla dolor. Semper leo et sapien lobortis facilisis aliquam feugiat ut diam non tempus et malesuada. Fermentum nulla non justo aliquet, quis vehicula quam consequat duis ut hendrerit.”

About Hunter

Using my tape-based camera and making videos with my brothers, I have been filming since I was a teenager. My passion is to serve my clients and work with amazing people while telling awesome stories. While based in Fort Worth, Texas, I have traveled around the world wherever the story takes me. Most importantly, I am a husband to Amy and a father to my little son.

Let’s make something amazing together


Fort Worth, Texas


(255) 352-6258
